International Summer School of Economics, organized by Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia

11th International Summer School of Economics,
organized by the Faculty of Economics University of Niš,
, will be held on August 21 – 27th 2016, at the
Zlatibor mountain.
Participants of the Summer School are the students
of the economics faculties, from the country and
abroad (European countries mainly: Russia, Latvia,
Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Serbia,
The title of the 11th International Summer School
of Economics is Start‐up Your Business and will be
elaborated in several subthemes, in the form of
lectures, numerous workshops and simulations.
During the five working days, the students would
learn, make contacts, present the countries they
are coming from, and tour the natural and cultural
heritage of Serbia.
Participation fee for students is 230 EUR and
covers accommodation and food costs, printed
and other materials, excursions, social events and
other activities.
More details: